Grieving Property Taxes in NYS

General Advice

JUL 27, 2023

Property taxes play a significant role in homeownership costs, and for New York State residents, understanding the process of grieving property taxes can potentially lead to substantial savings. If you believe your property has been overassessed or you qualify for exemptions, filing a tax grievance can help lower your tax burden.

Understanding the Assessment

Property taxes in New York State are based on the assessed value of your property. This assessment is determined by local assessors who estimate the market value of your property, taking into account factors such as location, size, condition, and comparable properties in the area. It is important to review your assessment to ensure its accuracy and fairness.

Gathering Information

Before initiating the grievance process, gather the necessary information to support your claim:a) Recent Property Valuations: Collect recent property valuations, sales data, or appraisals that demonstrate a lower value than the assessed value of your property.b) Comparable Sales: Research recent sales of similar properties in your area to identify any discrepancies between their assessments and yours.c) Exemptions: Determine if you qualify for any property tax exemptions, such as those for veterans, senior citizens, or individuals with disabilities.

Filing the Grievance

To grieve your property taxes, follow these general steps:

a) Obtain the Appropriate Forms: Visit your local assessor's office or their website to obtain the necessary grievance forms. In New York State, the most commonly used form is the RP-524.

b) Complete the Forms: Fill out the required information, including your property details, the reason for the grievance, and the desired reduction in assessment.

c) Include Supporting Documentation: Attach supporting documentation, such as recent valuations, comparable sales data, or exemption applications.

d) Submit the Grievance: File the completed forms and supporting documents with the appropriate assessor's office within the specified deadline, typically within a designated period in May.

Attending a Grievance Hearing

After submitting your grievance, you may be scheduled for a hearing. This hearing provides an opportunity for you to present your case to a review board or hearing officer. Be prepared to present your evidence, provide explanations, and answer any questions regarding your property's assessment.

Receiving the Decision

Following the hearing, you will receive a determination from the review board or hearing officer. They will either grant a reduction in assessment or uphold the existing assessment. If you disagree with the decision, you may have the option to pursue further appeals, depending on your local jurisdiction.

Monitoring Future Assessments

Property assessments can change over time, so it's important to regularly monitor your assessment and compare it to market values in your area. If you believe your property is consistently overassessed, consider filing a grievance annually to ensure fair taxation.

This content is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended to be construed as financial, tax, legal, or insurance advice.


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